2015 Reedy International Off-Road Race of Champions Lottery Drawing

Monday, Oct 20, 2014 at 12:00am UTC

Thank you, racers!  The pre-entries for the 21st running of the Reedy Race were overwhelming.  With 560 entries from 301 racers plus 33 Invitational drivers, the interest in the event has never been higher.  It is truly unfortunate that we are not able to accommodate everyone who wants to participate, but in order to provide a quality event with a reasonable timetable entries must be limited.

The random lottery drawing has been completed and is published here:


If you were one of the fortunate racers to have your name drawn to compete, payment is only accepted through RCSignup.  Once your entry is marked as eligible for payment, please log in to your account and follow the payment instructions using PayPal.  Payment is due by midnight, November 20, 2014.  Remember, included with each confirmed and paid entry is a complete set of control tires, inserts, and a personalized grab bag.

After the payment deadline, the Waiting List will be contacted in order to fill the remaining places in the event.  Payment for Waiting List drivers will be due within 24 hours of notification from the event organizer.

Invitational drivers that have registered may also confirm by paying via RCSignup.  If you registered and are unable to attend, please notify the event organizer via reedyrace@rc10.com so others may fill your position.  As a courtesy to your fellow racers, please notify the organizers promptly if you are not able to attend.

Stay tuned to www.reedyrace.com for more information and event updates.  Inquiries regarding the event should be directed to reedyrace@rc10.com.