Final of EP OFF ROAD CUP 2011
The last stage of "EP RUSSIA OFF ROAD CUP 2011" series played October 9-10. Competitions were held in off-road track of "Pilot" club. The track was Astroturf cover and tile in a ratio of 90% of the Astroturf and 10% of the tile. Yudin Roman from AE Russia Team performed in three classes: Buggy 2WD Stock (17.5), Buggy 4WD Super Stock (10.5) and the Stadium Truck, all models from Team Associated:
Buggy 2WD Stock (17.5) - B4 Factory Team
Buggy 4WD Super Stock (10.5) - B44.1 Factory Team
Stadium Truck (Modified) - T4 Factory Team
Yudin Roman took first place in the Stadium Track class, second place in the Buggy 2WD Stock (17.5) class and second place in the Buggy 4WD Super Stock (10.5) class. The drivers used electronics from LRP. All buggies used tires from JConcepts.
Special thanks to Roman Yudin of the Micromachine Team for this report.